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Carpet Plants

Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: StemFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: BlyxaRegion: AsiaLocation: Tropical AsiaSize: Height: 7-15cm (3-6in)Growth Rate: MediumCan Be Grown Emersed: NoBlyxa japonica is an obligate aquatic plant often found in stagnant, shallow pools and marshes as w..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: RosetteFamily: AraceaeGenus: CryptocoryneRegion: AsiaLocation: Sri LankaSize: Height: 5-10cm / 2-4 inchGrowth Rate: SlowCan Be Grown Emersed: YesCryptocoryne parva is the smallest known Cryptocryne and is endemic to the highlands of central Sri Lank..
Brand: MMH Model:
Care Level: ModerateLighting: ModeratePlacement: ForegroundWater Conditions: 68-84° F, KH 3-8, pH 6.2-7.5Propagation: Adventitious Plants, Runners, SeedsMax. Size: 6"Color Form: GreenSupplements: High Quality Aquarium FertilizerFamily: AlismataceaeType: Carpeting    Growth rate: Mediu..
Brand: MMH Model:
Care Level: ModerateLighting: ModeratePlacement: ForegroundWater Conditions: 68-84° F, KH 3-8, pH 6.2-7.5Propagation: Adventitious Plants, Runners, SeedsMax. Size: 6"Color Form: GreenSupplements: High Quality Aquarium FertilizerFamily: AlismataceaeType: Carpeting    Growth rate: Mediu..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: StemFamily: ElatinaceaeGenus: ElatineRegion: CosmopolitanLocation: Cosmopolitan (not South America)Size: Stem width: 1-2 cm (0.5-1 in)Growth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: YesNice foreground plants are always appreciated and Elatine triandra is n..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: StemFamily: ElatinaceaeGenus: ElatineRegion: CosmopolitanLocation: Cosmopolitan (not South America)Size: Stem width: 1-2 cm (0.5-1 in)Growth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: YesNice foreground plants are always appreciated and Elatine triandra is..
Brand: MMH Model:
Care Level: EasyLighting: Moderate to HighPlacement: ForegroundWater Conditions: 70-83° F, KH 4-8, pH 6.0-8.0Propagation: RunnersMax. Size: 4"Color Form: GreenSupplements: High Quality Aquarium FertilizerFamily: ApiaceaeDwarf Hairgrass is a great plant for beginners and seasoned aquarium keepers ali..
Brand: MMH Model:
Care Level: EasyLighting: Moderate to HighPlacement: ForegroundWater Conditions: 70-83° F, KH 4-8, pH 6.0-8.0Propagation: RunnersMax. Size: 4"Color Form: GreenSupplements: High Quality Aquarium FertilizerFamily: ApiaceaeDwarf Hairgrass is a great plant for beginners and seasoned aquarium keepers a..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: StemFamily: PhrymaceaeGenus: GlossostigmaRegion: AustralasiaLocation: AustraliaSize: 2-3 cm (1-1.5in)Growth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: YesGlossostigma elatinoides, one of the smaller aquarium plants, is a prostrate herb that can be found grow..
Brand: MMH Model:
Scientific Name: Hemianthus UmbrosumDifficulty: EasyCO2 Requirements: LowLighting Requirements: MediumPlant Arrangement: VariableGrowth Rate: ModerateFamily: ScrophulariaceaeGenus: HemianthusOrigin: North and South AmericaPlant Type: StemWater Hardness: Medium (GH = 9-13 dH)History: Hemianthus Umbro..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: RhizomeFamily: ApiaceaeGenus: LilaeopsisRegion: Central/South AmericaLocation: BrazilSize: Height: 3-6 cm (1-2 in)Growth Rate: MediumCan Be Grown Emersed: YesLilaeopsis brasiliensis has been in the hobby for years as one of the few plants common..
Brand: MMH
Botanical name:    Lilaeópsis macloviána (Gand.) A.W. HillFamily: ApiaceaeGenus: LilaeopsisDifficulty: easyUsage: Background, MidgroundHeight: 30 - 50cmGrowth: fastpH value: 6-7 pHTemperature tolerance: 4-30°CCarbonate hardness: 2-21°dKHGeneral hardness: 0-30°dGHCarbon dioxide (CO2): ..
Showing 1 to 12 of 17 (2 Pages)
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