Plant Type: Tropical Bog PlantLight Requirements: Full Or Partial ShadeBloom Color: YellowBloom Period: June – August (summer)Maximum Growth: Spread U..
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: LimnobiumRegion: AmericasLocation: Central and South America..
Live Arrival Guarantee NOT applicable on this plant.Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: OnagraceaeGenus: LudwigiaRegion: ..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Common Name: hardy water lilyType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: NymphaeaceaeHeight: 0.25 to 0.50 feetSpread: 5.00 to 6.00 feetBloom Time: May to frostB..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Tropical Bog PlantLight Requirements: Full Or Partial ShadeBloom Color: YellowBloom Period: June – August (summer)Maximum Growth: Spread U..
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: LimnobiumRegion: AmericasLocation: Central and South America..
Live Arrival Guarantee NOT applicable on this plant.Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: OnagraceaeGenus: LudwigiaRegion: ..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Common Name: hardy water lilyType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: NymphaeaceaeHeight: 0.25 to 0.50 feetSpread: 5.00 to 6.00 feetBloom Time: May to frostB..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
There are many reasons that you may gravitate towards the use of AQUA CLAY Gravel for for filtration purpose.the best Water drainage and a very good home for beneficial bacteria within your Bio-Filter. The biggest appeal seems to be the way that it helps to drain excess water, though they also keep ..