IT'S JUST A COMMONPLACE that the fellow who can always have whatever he wants by writing a check for it doesn't get as much fun out of what he owns as the other fellow who has to exercise his resourcefulness as well as his muscles in order to possess the same thing. The rich man will be the first to..
THE SIXTH Annual Convention of amateur telescope enthusiasts will be held at Stellafane, near Springfield, southeastern Vermont, Saturday, July 25. This is probably the only invitation that will be issued as the Springfield people tell us that the number of enthusiasts has now increased past their p..
UNCOMMON OPTICAL GRINDING and polishing materials such as boron carbide, sapphire dust, titanium oxide, diamond dust, together with uncommon facts about some common abrasives, are the subject of a systematic survey by John M. Holeman, 305 Thayer Drive, Richland, Wash. He writes:Today, many other sub..
The first concerns a telescope made by a Benedictine nun, Sister Cornelia of Mount Saint Mary's Convent in Pittsburgh, whose photograph, kindly sent us at our request by her mentor in telescope making, Leo J. Scanlon of that city, is reproduced above. Sister Cornelia is an instructor in mathematics ..
ALUMINIZING one's own telescope mirrors is probably uneconomical, considering the time, materials and cash required to build the rather elaborate apparatus. On the other hand, the man who rationalizes his decision to build it as "an economy," but is subconsciously simply seeking something that is fu..
LAST MONTH in this department Professor Henry L. Yeagley, of the Department of Physics at the Pennsylvania State College, described his simplified equipment for aluminizing telescope mirrors. This month he completes his account with the actual working instructions, which are as follows-the "Figure 1..
BICYCLES having now become once more fashionable, the city or town owner of a richest-field telescope ("RFT") can ride to the open country where the magnificent star fields afforded by this special type of telescope are far better visible than in town where there is competing light.C. B. Moore, Jr.,..
A FEW WEEKS ago one of the largest and most carefully made amateur astronomical observatories went into operation several miles north of Amherst, Va. The event happened to coincide with the 50th anniversary of telescope making as a popular avocation. The observatory and its telescope are the handiwo..
HERE IS interesting news. Aluminizing brought one step nearer reach of the average amateur and at least within practical reach of groups. The compact data presented below were prepared by Prof. Henry L. Yeagley of the Department of Physics at the Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. For tw..
AMATEUR telescope makers and astronomers within a radius of one light-year of Stellafane, near Springfield, Vermont, are invited to attend the Ninth Annual Convention of their fellow enthusiasts, which will be held there on Saturday, July 21. Mr. A. D. Baker, secretary of the "Telescope Makers of Sp..
IN THIS DEPARTMENT in the October and November numbers Patrick A. Driscoll described the design and use of a telescope mirror grinding and polishing machine of the vertical spindle, hand-lever type. Now in this and next month's numbers Dr. Henry Paul, 119 North Broad St., Norwich N. Y., will describ..
WHICH OPTICAL SHOP methods are best-professional or amateur?Neither. In each the needs are different. The professional makes many of a given thing, the amateur usually one. Such considerations as this call for adaptability of point of view. At least two professionals have related to your scribe with..