Brand: MMH
Type: Rhizomatous Growth rate: Slow Height: 3 - 5+ Light demand: Low CO2: LowLight: low to high Temperature tolerance: 12 to 30 °COptimum temperature: 22 to 26 °CCarbonate hardness: 0 to 21 °dKHpH value: 5..
Brand: MMH
Range and localities: Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, MaliHeight: 30 - 40 cmWidth: 30 - 40 cmGrowth: slowPropagation: Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plantsCan grow emersed: yesSuited for outdoor cultivation/ponds: NoAquarium suitability: yesUsage: Cichlid proof plant, Background, Midg..
Brand: MMH
Range and localities: Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, MaliHeight: 30 - 40 cmWidth: 30 - 40 cmGrowth: slowPropagation: Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plantsCan grow emersed: yesSuited for outdoor cultivation/ponds: NoAquarium suitability: yesUsage: Cichlid proof plant, Background, Midg..
Brand: MMH
Common names: Round leaf AnubiasSynonyms: Anubias barteri ''Coin Leaf'', Anubias barteri ''Gold Coin''Family: AraceaeGenus: AnubiasDifficulty: very easyUsage: Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Cichlid proof plant, Midground, Foreground, groupGrowth: slowPropagation: Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting ..
Brand: MMH
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: StemFamily: AmaranthaceaeGenus: AlternantheraRegion: Central/South AmericaLocation: Argentina, Paraguay, BrazilSize: Individual stem width: 10-15cm (4-6in)Growth Rate: MediumCan Be Grown Emersed: YesCommon Name: Red Mint "Burgundy Leaves"Alterna..
Brand: MMH
Scientific name: Alternanthera reineckiiCommon name: Alternanthera reineckii Mini, AR Mini, Alternanthera reineckii rosaefolia minorPlacement: Background or foregroundCare level: MediumPropagation: CuttingHeight: 5-10 cmWidth: 10-15 cmWater pH: 6.0-7.0Water hardness: 3-8 dGHTemperature: 63-820 FLigh..
Brand: MMH
Common Name: Dwarf BonsaiProper Name: Ammania sp. 'Bonsai'Category: Stem PlantsTemperature: 20 - 28 CPH: 6.0 - 7.5Lighting: MediumGrowth Rate: MediumDifficulty: MediumPosition in Aquascape: Mid-GroundAmmania
sp. 'Bonsai' is quite similar looking to Bacopa Caroliniana, except
it's slightly smalle..
Brand: MMH
Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf is the larger leaf variant of Anubias Barteri. Like other Anubias it can grow in both aquariums and terrariums either submerged or emersed. It has long stems like Anubias Barteri but the leaves are almost double the size. This plant is suitable as a midgr..
Brand: MMH
Anubias Barteri Round AKA Anubias Golden Coin is a less common type of Anubias that's fast becoming popular in the hobby. This is an extremely easy plant to grow and can survive a wide range of water parameters. It has long stems like Anubias Barteri but the leaves are more round and circular. This ..
Brand: MMH
This is the golden variant of the popular Anubias Nana. If you're new to planted tanks and want to try growing for the first time, this is a good one to start with. It's an extremely easy plant to grow and can survive a wide range of water parameters. Like other Anubias plants it can grow in both aq..
Synonyms: Edanyoa difformis Copeland, Bolbitis sp. ''Baby leaf''Trader names: Bolbitis difformis, Bolbitis Davallia spec.Complete botanical name: Bolbítis heteroclíta (C. Presl) ChingFamily: DryopteridaceaeGenus: BolbitisDifficulty: mediumUsage: Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Midground, Nano tanks..