Brand: MMH
Scientific Name: Botia macracanthaSynonym: Botia macracantha, Cobitis macracanthus, Chromobotia macracanthusCommon Name: Clown LoachFamily: CobitidaeOrigin: IndonesiaAdult Size: 12 inchesSocial: Peaceful Lifespan: 10 yearsTank Level: Easy, MediumDiet: CarnivoreBreeding: Spawners (rarely bred in capt..
Brand: MMH
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallonsCare Level: ModerateTemperament: Semi-aggressiveTemperature: 72-86° FWater Hardness: KH 8-12Water pH: pH 6.0-7.5Color Form: Black, Green, Tan, WhiteDiet: OmnivoreOrigin: AsiaFamily: CobitidaeThe Tiger Botia Loach is a bottom-dweller that originates from the streams and r..
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