Plant Type: Tropical Bog PlantLight Requirements: Full Or Partial ShadeBloom Color: YellowBloom Period: June – August (summer)Maximum Growth: Spread U..
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: LimnobiumRegion: AmericasLocation: Central and South America..
Live Arrival Guarantee NOT applicable on this plant.Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: OnagraceaeGenus: LudwigiaRegion: ..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Common Name: hardy water lilyType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: NymphaeaceaeHeight: 0.25 to 0.50 feetSpread: 5.00 to 6.00 feetBloom Time: May to frostB..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Tropical Bog PlantLight Requirements: Full Or Partial ShadeBloom Color: YellowBloom Period: June – August (summer)Maximum Growth: Spread U..
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: LimnobiumRegion: AmericasLocation: Central and South America..
Live Arrival Guarantee NOT applicable on this plant.Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: OnagraceaeGenus: LudwigiaRegion: ..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Common Name: hardy water lilyType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: NymphaeaceaeHeight: 0.25 to 0.50 feetSpread: 5.00 to 6.00 feetBloom Time: May to frostB..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Family Name: AraceaePlant Form: RhizomePlacement: Fore/Mid-groundMax Size: Height 5-15 cm (2-6 inches)Planting: Do not bury rhizome in substrate. Best tied to hardscape or anchor the fine roots under a rockFlowers: White calla lily shaped flowers, about 1 inchPropagation: Rhizome divisionGrowth Rate..
Synonyms: Vesicularia dubyana, Java MossHardiness: Very EasyLight Needs: LowPlant Structure: Moss / FernFamily: HypnaceaeGenus: TaxiphyllumRegion: AsiaLocation: Southeast AsiaSize: InfiniteGrowth Rate: SlowCan Be Grown Emersed: YesTaxiphyllum barbieri also known as 'Java Moss', is quite common in th..
Anubias butterfly is highly popular among aquarists for its large, dark green, waxy leaves that are very hardy and resilient. This plant is easy to care for, making it an ideal plant for a beginner. Anubias butterfly can grow in a variety of conditions including low-light and low-nutrient water. Dep..
Anubias Minima Dragon Claw, A hardy slow growing plant ideal for Midground or Foreground.
Anubias Minima Dragon Claw is a new variation that features small,
elongated leaves that are slightly crinkled in texture. This difference
in leaf shape is fantastic for adding varying textures to the mi..
Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf is the larger leaf variant of Anubias Barteri. Like other Anubias it can grow in both aquariums and terrariums either submerged or emersed. It has long stems like Anubias Barteri but the leaves are almost double the size. This plant is suitable as a midgr..