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Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: AzollaceaeGenus: AzollaRegion: CosmopolitanLocation: CosmopolitanSize: Plant size: ..Rs.124.80 Rs.112.32..Rs.54.60 Rs.49.14Plant Type: Tropical Bog PlantLight Requirements: Full Or Partial ShadeBloom Color: YellowBloom Period: June – August (summer)Maximum Growth: Spread U..Rs.29.95 Rs.26.96Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: LimnobiumRegion: AmericasLocation: Central and South America..Rs.29.95 Rs.26.96Live Arrival Guarantee NOT applicable on this plant.Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: OnagraceaeGenus: LudwigiaRegion: ..Rs.7.49 Rs.6.74Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57Common Name: hardy water lilyType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: NymphaeaceaeHeight: 0.25 to 0.50 feetSpread: 5.00 to 6.00 feetBloom Time: May to frostB..Rs.499.20 Rs.449.28Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..Rs.314.50 Rs.283.05Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57
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Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: AzollaceaeGenus: AzollaRegion: CosmopolitanLocation: CosmopolitanSize: Plant size: ..Rs.124.80 Rs.112.32..Rs.54.60 Rs.49.14Plant Type: Tropical Bog PlantLight Requirements: Full Or Partial ShadeBloom Color: YellowBloom Period: June – August (summer)Maximum Growth: Spread U..Rs.29.95 Rs.26.96Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: LimnobiumRegion: AmericasLocation: Central and South America..Rs.29.95 Rs.26.96Live Arrival Guarantee NOT applicable on this plant.Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: OnagraceaeGenus: LudwigiaRegion: ..Rs.7.49 Rs.6.74Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57Common Name: hardy water lilyType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: NymphaeaceaeHeight: 0.25 to 0.50 feetSpread: 5.00 to 6.00 feetBloom Time: May to frostB..Rs.499.20 Rs.449.28Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..Rs.314.50 Rs.283.05Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..Rs.299.52 Rs.269.57