Direct to Home category has fishes that can be directly dispatched to customers delivery address. This is only possible if your address pin code is covered by our partner logistics company. Please contact us on Live Chat between 10am to 6pm daily, before you place order for DTH service.
Note: DTH Fishes will only be transported by Courier if you opt for Courier at checkout and if Temperature is between 18C to 30C. Anything below or above that range will be put on hold until Temperature is favorable for dispatch.
We hope to help our customers is whatever way possible.
Brand: MMH
Maximum size: 2.5 cmSwimming level: aquarium surfacesIdeal temperature range: 22° – 28° celsiusPH range: 6.5 – 8GH range: 5 – 60Neritina pulligera (Military Helmet Snail, Dusky Nerite) is a species of freshwater snail, a gastropod mollusk in the family Neritidae. This species is widely distributed t..
Brand: MMH
Scientific Name: Neritina natalensisCommon Name: Nerite snailTank size: 5 gallons (20L) and moreTemperament: PeacefulDiet: OmnivorousTemperature: 75–81 °F (24–27 °C)Water pH: 6.5-7.5 pHSize: 1 inches (2-2.5 cm)Temperature range: 65 to 85 degrees FahrenheitWater type: kH 12-18; gH 12-18FeedingNerite ..
Brand: MMH
Aura Blues are a variation are of the Caridina Serrata. As with all Caridina Serrata / Tupfel Shrimp, the Aura Blue comes with dark dots across its body. Scientific Name: Caridina Serrata Common Name: Aura Blue, Blue Tupfel Origin: Tank Breeding&..
Brand: MMH
Origin: South-east AsiaSize: 2.1/4" (6 cm)Diet: Prepared Foods and Live foodsTemperature: 24C - 28C (72F - 77F)Water Softness: 50 - 100mg/lWater Acidity: pH 6.0 - 6.5Temperament: Males are aggressive towards each otherThe Siamese fighting fish is also referred to as The Betta. This species was widel..
Brand: MMH
The Black Tiger Shrimp is selectively bred from the normal Tiger Shrimp. The original Tiger Shrimp were bred for broader black stripes and after many generations the black stripes began to fill the entire body. This method however has its consequences such as poor genetics and vulnerability to disea..
Brand: MMH
Origin: South-east AsiaSize: 2.1/4" (6 cm)Diet: Prepared Foods and Live foodsTemperature: 24C - 28C (72F - 77F)Water Softness: 50 - 100mg/lWater Acidity: pH 6.0 - 6.5Temperament: Males are aggressive towards each otherThe Siamese fighting fish is also referred to as The Betta. This species was widel..
Brand: MMH
Name: Betta splendensDifficulty: Very EasyMax Size: 6cmOrigin: South East AsiapH: 6.5-7.2Temperature: 19-28°CSiamese Fighting Fish are a family of fish native to Asia, in particular Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia. Fighting Fish are bred for their colour and tail types, from the regular vei..
Brand: MMH
Origin: South-east AsiaSize: 2.1/4" (6 cm)Diet: Prepared Foods and Live foodsTemperature: 24C - 28C (72F - 77F)Water Softness: 50 - 100mg/lWater Acidity: pH 6.0 - 6.5Temperament: Males are aggressive towards each otherThe
Siamese fighting fish is also referred to as The Betta. This species
was w..