Plant Type: Tropical Bog PlantLight Requirements: Full Or Partial ShadeBloom Color: YellowBloom Period: June – August (summer)Maximum Growth: Spread U..
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: LimnobiumRegion: AmericasLocation: Central and South America..
Live Arrival Guarantee NOT applicable on this plant.Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: OnagraceaeGenus: LudwigiaRegion: ..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Common Name: hardy water lilyType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: NymphaeaceaeHeight: 0.25 to 0.50 feetSpread: 5.00 to 6.00 feetBloom Time: May to frostB..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Tropical Bog PlantLight Requirements: Full Or Partial ShadeBloom Color: YellowBloom Period: June – August (summer)Maximum Growth: Spread U..
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: LimnobiumRegion: AmericasLocation: Central and South America..
Live Arrival Guarantee NOT applicable on this plant.Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: FloatingFamily: OnagraceaeGenus: LudwigiaRegion: ..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Plant Type: Aquatic PlantPlant Family: Nymphaea - Water LillyExposure: Full SunSeason of Interest: SummerHeight: 2-4 inch (5-10cm)Spread: 3-5 ft ( 90-..
Common Name: hardy water lilyType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: NymphaeaceaeHeight: 0.25 to 0.50 feetSpread: 5.00 to 6.00 feetBloom Time: May to frostB..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Order: ProtealesFamily: NelumbonaceaeGenus: NelumboSpecies: N. nuciferaTemperature: 55-80° FpH: pH 6.0-9.0Easily grown in calm water in full sun. Wint..
Family: Asteraceae Range and localities: North, Central and South America: southeastern USA (Texas to North Carolina) to ParaguayWidth: 4 - 5 cmAquarium suitability: yesUsage: Background, MidgroundDifficulty: mediumGrowth: mediumLight: medium to high Temperature tolerance: 18 to 30 °CNitrate (NO3-):..
Family: AcanthaceaeRange and localities: probably northeastern India (Bihar)Aquarium suitability: yesDifficulty: mediumGrowth: fastLight: medium to high Temperature tolerance: 20 to 30 °COptimum temperature: 22 to 28 °CCarbonate hardness: 0 to 12 °dKHpH value: 5 to 7.5 Carbon dioxide (CO2): 10 to 40..
Alternanthera Reineckii Lilacina originates from South America. It requires medium to high lighting and CO2 infusion to grow well. Plenty of nutrient dosing will ensure bright and vibrant leaf colours. Best planted in groups.Synonyms : Alternanthera Reineckii PurpleGenus : AlternantheraFamily : Amar..
Common names: Sessile Joyweed, Mukunu-Wenna, Purple MintMajor group (unranked): Seed plants: Flowering plants (Angiosperms)Order: CaryophyllalesFamily: AmaranthaceaeGenus: AlternantheraAlternanthera
sessilis is found in many tropical and subtropical regions of the earth
in moist to wet disturbed..
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: HighPlant Structure: StemFamily: LythraceaeGenus: AmmanniaRegion: AfricaLocation: West AfricaSize: Stem width: 12-20cm (5-8Growth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emerged: YesAmmannia gracilis, first introduced into the hobby by aquarist P.J. Bussink who brought it with him fro..
Common Name: Ammania senegalensis “red”Family: LythraceaeGenus: AmmanniaOrigins: East tropical AfricaDifficulty: MediumGrowth Rate: MediumLight: Medium – highPlacement: Mid – back groundRequirements: Temps-53.6 to 86F, PH 5.5 to 9.0!In order to achieve strong shoots the substrate should be nutrient ..
Hardiness: Very EasyLight Needs: LowPlant Structure: StemFamily: PlantaganaceaeGenus: BacopaRegion: Central/South AmericaLocation: BrazilSize: Individual stem width: 2-4cm (1-2in)Growth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: YesThough it is a relatively new addition to the aquarium plant hobby, Bacopa aust..
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: StemFamily: PlantaganaceaeGenus: BacopaRegion: North AmericaLocation: U.S.A.Size: Stem width: 3-6cm (1-2in)Growth Rate: ModerateCan Be Grown Emersed: YesBacopa caroliniana has been a ubiquitous species within the aquatic plant hobby for many years a..