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Brand: MMH
Type: Stolon    Origin: Asia    Growth rate: High    Height: 20 - 30+    Light demand: Low    CO2: LowVallisneria sp. Gigantea from Asia is an easy plant that grows fast, suitable for large aquariums. In most aquariums the le..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: Medium HighPlant Structure: RosetteFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: BlyxaRegion: Old World tropicsLocation: Asia, Africa, AustraliaSize: 16 inchesGrowth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: NoBlyxa (bly-za) aubertii is a true aquatic plant found throughout Southeastern Asia,..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: Medium HighPlant Structure: RosetteFamily: HydrocharitaceaeGenus: BlyxaRegion: Old World tropicsLocation: Asia, Africa, AustraliaSize: 16 inchesGrowth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: NoBlyxa (bly-za) aubertii is a true aquatic plant found throughout Southeastern Asi..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: ModerateLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: RosetteFamily: CyperaceaeGenus: CyperusRegion: AsiaLocation: ThailandSize: Height: 20-50cm (8-20in)Growth Rate: SlowCan Be Grown Emersed: YesCyperus helferi is one of the few plants in its genus that can adapt to submersed life. This amphibious ..
Brand: MMH Model:
Scientific Name: Eleocharis viviparaCommon Name: HairgrassDifficulty: EasyCO2 Requirements: ModerateLighting Requirements: HighPlant Arrangement: BackgroundGrowth Rate: ModerateFamily: CyperaceaeGenus: EleocharisWater Hardness: Medium (GH = 9-13 dH)Eleocharis vivipara is indigenous to the southern U..
Brand: MMH
Common names: Creeping rush, Lesser creeping rushBotanical name: Júncus répens Michx.Family: JuncaceaeGenus: JuncusDifficulty: easyUsage: Background, Midground, Foreground, groupGrowth: fastpH value: 5-7pHTemperature tolerance: 4-28CCarbonate hardness: 0-14°dKHGeneral hardness: 0-30°dGHPropagation: ..
Brand: MMH
Common names: Creeping rush, Lesser creeping rushBotanical name: Júncus répens Michx.Family: JuncaceaeGenus: JuncusDifficulty: easyUsage: Background, Midground, Foreground, groupGrowth: fastpH value: 5-7pHTemperature tolerance: 4-28CCarbonate hardness: 0-14°dKHGeneral hardness: 0-30°dGHPropagation: ..
Brand: MMH
Botanical name:    Lilaeópsis macloviána (Gand.) A.W. HillFamily: ApiaceaeGenus: LilaeopsisDifficulty: easyUsage: Background, MidgroundHeight: 30 - 50cmGrowth: fastpH value: 6-7 pHTemperature tolerance: 4-30°CCarbonate hardness: 2-21°dKHGeneral hardness: 0-30°dGHCarbon dioxide (CO2): ..
Brand: MMH
Type: Stolon    Origin: Africa    Growth rate: Slow    Height: 5-10+    Light demand: MediumLilaeopsis mauritiana or more commonly called Micro Sword Narrow Leaf is a short grass-like plant that grows into a thick grassy lawn. This variety ..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: RosetteFamily: AlismataceaeGenus: SagittariaRegion: North AmericaLocation: Eastern United StatesSize: Height: 5-15cm (4-6in)Growth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: YesSagittaria platyphylla is commonly known as Chilensis or Broad Leaf Sagittaria, and..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: RosetteFamily: AlismataceaeGenus: SagittariaRegion: North AmericaLocation: Eastern United StatesSize: Height: 5-15cm (4-6in)Growth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: YesSagittaria platyphylla is commonly known as Chilensis or Broad Leaf Sagittaria, ..
Brand: MMH Model:
Hardiness: EasyLight Needs: MediumPlant Structure: RosetteFamily: AlismataceaeGenus: SagittariaRegion: North AmericaLocation: Eastern United StatesSize: Height: 5-15 cm (4-6 in)Growth Rate: FastCan Be Grown Emersed: YesA great aquatic plant for those just beginning to keep live plants in their aquar..
Showing 1 to 12 of 16 (2 Pages)
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